API getting started
THE FORM API service lets developers design computer programs that interact directly with the platform. These applications allow customers and third parties to manage their FORM accounts more efficiently.
FORM API is flexible and allows you to manage your users and forms.
Whether you need to integrate a mobile inspection within your existing experience or IT infrastructure or add a dynamic mobile forms engine to your software product - our platform provides you with the power and flexibility you need.
Some possibilities include:
Transparently create and manage users.
Design your forms from scratch with 10 types of questions.
Distribute and submit forms to respondents in various ways.
Developing additional tools and applications to help you manage accounts
Depending on your particular task and requirements, you may want to consider one of the following ways to leverage the FORM Platform:
Web-services API
Web Services API provides business logic and data integration between your solution and other application.

Using the web-services API, you can:
Publish forms
Modify and manage existing forms
Extract itemized form data
Create and manage tasks
Create and manage users
Manage the data objects
Trigger actions
The APIs are based on SOAP standards and may be used in applications written in virtually any programming language, including .NET C#, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, and others.
To learn more about the web services available SOAP API
The REST API allows developers to integrate with FORM from an application that can send GET, POST, or DELETE HTTP requests.

REST API is based on open standards, so it is allowed to use any web development language to access the API.
To learn more REST API
JavaScript API
JavaScript API enhances user experience and allows manipulation of form, appearance, and structure.

Form elements are easily accessed via a comprehensive list of JavaScript objects and functions to perform simple or complex manipulations. It is perfect for custom, real-time, same-page logic implementation and for customizing the look and feel of the form.
To learn more JavaScript API