CSS Survey Parameters
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets which define how to display HTML elements.
Click here to view how CSS classes are represented within a survey:
BACKGROUND | Form background |
#tablelogo | Form logo table parameter |
HTLOGO | Form logo parameter |
TABLEBCKG | Form body table background |
UPTABLE | Row of form name - 'tr' parameter |
H1 | Form name parameters - 'td' parameter |
H10 | Form text description |
H2 | Question text parameters |
H22 | Text only (introduction and headings) parameters |
H3 | Answer text parameters |
H4 | Answer text parameters for rank scale question type |
H4LEFT | Answer text parameters for rank scale question type left part |
H4RIGHT | Answer text parameters for rank scale question type right part |
H5 | Answer text parameters for left column of Compare One Against Another question type |
H11 | Word 'or' between left and right columns of Compare One Against Another question type |
H6 | Answer text parameters for right column of Compare One Against Another question type |
H7,H8,H9 | Title text parameters for rank scale question type Example: |
HHeader | Form/Survey Header text parameter |
H1name | Form/Survey Name text parameter if survey contains Survey Header |
HFooter | Form/Survey Footer text parameter |
ODD | Background of odd lines of answer text parameters |
EVEN | Background of even lines of answer text parameters |
ODD_BAR | Background of incompleted part of the form/survey progress bar. |
EVEN_BAR font | Color of completed part of the survey progress bar. |
ERROR_MESSAGE | Error message parameters |
HAND | Cursor parameters Example: .Hand {cursor: hand; border-style: none} |
HEADING td,HEADING th, HEADING | Heading answers text parameters |
H23 | Text Page x of y parameters |
H24 | Print Preview Mode: respondent text parameters |
H25 | Total column in numeric allocation |
HRG3D | Matrix column elements parameter |
HBUTTONS | Form buttons parameter |
htmlButton | HTML buttons parameter |
htmlButton:hover | HTML buttons hover parameter |
a, a:link, a:visited | Link text parameter |
a:hover | Link hover text parameter |
cRadio | Style of radio buttons |
cCheckbox | Style of check boxes |
inputSingleLine | Text fields parameters for appropriate question type |
textareaMultiLine | Multiline fields parameter |
FormSelectBox | Dropdown fields parameter |
.TYP_main | Thank You page parameters. |
.WBP_main | Welcome Back page parameters. |
Click Back to go back to the previous page.
To restore the default settings, click the Default button.
Preview, Next, Apply, Finish and Cancel buttons speak for themselves. The Default button resets a custom theme applied along with any additional CSS code changes to the default layout.
Sometimes the CSS changes may not be reflected right away due to a browser caching. Try clicking "Ctrl + F5" ("Command + Shift + R" on Mac) to refresh the page omitting cache.
The rank scale question type refers to both Rating scale and Matrix question types. Changing appropriate styles will be applied to both of the question types in your survey.
By default, the Thank You page and Welcome Back page design inherit the design applied to your survey. To change particular elements of both pages, use the CSS provided in the table above.