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Prefill Login Fields for Android​ (MDM support)

Android app users can skip entering their Server URL or login if they use a corporate device.
(MDM support)

 The solution described below is an example of the custom MDM configuration that will stop working for the Android 13 and higher. For the latest versions we advice using the standard MDM configuration.


The Prefill Login Fields feature allows IT administrators to use MDM (Mobile Device Management) solutions to prefill the information on the Android FORM application for users. By using the MDM system, IT administrators can manage login information centrally and ensure that users have access to the correct portals and apps.

So that users can skip manually entering login data such as server URL, portal ID, and login.

Set up

IT Admins can prefill the login data for the Android application users like the following:​

Place a text file with the name "fc_login_config.cfg" in the "Documents" folder on device’s public storage. It may contain several fields in the following format:

SERVER=         // server url, mandatory
PORTAL=1246236                         // portal ID, optional, default - empty
LOGIN=aghfweg                          // user login, optional, default - empty

How it works

On the login screen launch, it tries to find this file in file system. If it exists, application will request storage permission, if it is required, and after successful permission granting, will fill out login fields with data from config file.

If the file isn't found, app has no permission to read it, file is corrupted or there's no SERVER field given, application will fill out login screen by default (from DB, or with default data, if there's no last login in DB).

If the server cannot be verified (wrong server, or no internet connection), snackbar will be shown with error message, and prefill will be executed from DB.

If the server is ok, but no portal given in config, snackbar will be shown, and the corresponding field will be empty.

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