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Use Case 7. Changing form background color. Using image as a background

This use case shows how to customize the form background color and add a background image.  


  1. To change a form background

color, please add the following code to the form CSS:

{background:your color}

where your color is the name of the color or Hex color code. 

  1. Also, you can use an

image as a background. To do so, you will need to upload the image you would like to use to the Media Library and copy the image URL. Then add the following code to the form CSS:

{background:url(image source URL) no-repeat; background-size:cover; background-attachment:fixed}

Where image source URL is the link to the image from the Media Library, for example, /User/23/528023/media/56/140256.jpg


If you change the background color to dark green (hex color code: #8FBC8F), the form will look the following way:

If you use the image as a background, the form might look like this:

Background color/image for PDF format

If you want your RBR, report, or form to be converted to PDF and use a color/image as a background, you need to add !important to the form CSS:

{background:your color !important;}

{background:url(image source URL) no-repeat; background-size:cover; background-attachment:fixed !important;}}
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