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Portal Interface

The Portal is available for every Contact Manager present in the account.

The upper toolbar of the Portal page displays the following:

1. The list of the Contact Managers;

2. Portal URL: use this link to access the Portal in a browse;

3. Portal ID: is a unique ID of the Portal (also present in the Portal URL), which should be used when logging via our mobile apps;

4. The feature View Impersonate allows you to view the Portal as a particular respondent. To use this feature, click View Impersonate, type in the respondent's unique ID stored in the Contact Manager and press Ok.

The View Impersonate feature does not consider a particular respondent's access rights. The feature displays the Portal from a respondent's perspective but uses admin's rights.  

5. Check the Use new Portal UI box to use a new design.

Note that we no longer show the Portal Offline URL on the Portal page since it is not compatible with certain question types: the File Upload, the Object Lookup, the Multiple Object Lookup types. 

If you wish to continue using the Offline URL, do so by recreating it through the following format:  (where '11111111' is the Portal ID). 

However, if you need to collect data in the Offline mode, we recommend accessing the Offline Portal via the Mobile or the Desktop Offline application.

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