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Windows Desktop for Windows Desktop application is designed to optimize data collection in-field operations. Desktop application for Windows can run on Windows 10 and Windows 11 versions.

The Windows desktop application can be installed using the remote administration tool. Although, you must use the application on the computer where it is installed.

Follow the link to download Windows Desktop application.

How to work with the application

  • Install the application once. The link to the downloadable app distribution can be found on the Installation help article.

  • Enter your login credentials, hit enter, and wait until your forms' automatic synchronization and assignments finish. Please consider that you have to be online to log in and synchronize.

  • After the successful synchronization, you are no more dependent on the Internet connection. No matter whether you are online or offline, now you can perform your work assignments.

  • When you are ready, ensure you are connected to the Internet and start synchronizing to upload your work results and get potential updates, new assignments, and the work assets changes.

Please read the Windows Desktop help guide for more information.

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