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Windows Desktop Guide

FORM for Windows Desktop application is designed to optimize data collection in-field operations.  

FORM Desktop application for Windows can run on Windows 10, and Windows 11 (x86-64 platform) versions.

If you use the outdated Windows version, you will work with the last FORM app version compatible with it without the ability to update the app to the latest versions. You will see an appropriate note on the app settings page.

Installing the FORM app on devices with the unsupported Windows version is impossible.

How to work with the application:

  • Install the application once. The link to the downloadable app distribution can be found on the Installation help article.

  • Enter your login credentials, hit enter, and wait until your forms' automatic synchronization and assignments finish. Please consider that you have to be online to log in and synchronize.

  • After the successful synchronization, you are no more dependent on the Internet connection. No matter whether you are online or offline, now you can perform your work assignments.

  • When you are ready, ensure you are connected to the Internet and start synchronizing to upload your work results and get potential updates, new assignments, and the work assets changes.

Help Articles

Help articles about the Windows Desktop application are provided in the table below. 



Cordova App Migration

The Cordova application hasn't developed and will no longer be supported starting July 2023. Please read the article to know how to migrate to the native FORM app.

Seamless SSO for Windows Desktop

The Single Sign-On (SSO) feature is now available for the Windows Native application. This feature automatically signs users in when they are on their corporate devices connected to the corporate network.

Deep Link for Windows Desktop

The article presents how to open Windows desktop app from any external source - website or another application;

New Cards Preview Design for Windows Desktop

Meet a new view for responses and task cards preview. This article will take you through improvements for labels, color marks, buttons, access to functions, etc.

New Task Table Design for Windows Desktop

Meet a new view for the tasks presentation in the table.

This article will take you through improvements for borders, columns, headers, etc.

Export to PDF for Windows Desktop

If you have no Internet connection and need to get a printable version of a filled-out form for a person in charge, you can export your form while filling it out to PDF.

How to configure authentication parameters via command line

The article explains how an enterprise admin can configure authentication parameters via command-line options of the app executable.

The list of the available authentication parameters can be found in the article.

How to configure installation parameters using command-line

The article presents how to automate the for Windows Desktop deployment. 

How to create Task on Windows Desktop

The article describes how to create a task on the Windows Desktop application for responsible parties.

Troubleshooting Windows Desktop Synchronization Issues

The article covers general tips on how to troubleshoot synchronization errors and issues.

Windows Backup and Log files Instructions

The article explains how to reach and extract Windows Desktop log files.

Windows Zoom In/Out

The article describes how a Portal user on Windows Desktop application can zoom in and zoom out an image in a gallery.

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