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Android app Synchronization

During the general synchronization, the App downloads new tasks and forms published for you at the Portal and sends the data collected from your device to the server. Sync is triggered automatically when you log into your account for the first time. You can also perform sync at any time by tapping the Sync button at the bottom of the screen. 

The article describes the 3 synchronization stages, incremental synchronizations, sync errors and how to stop the synchronization.

Synchronization stages

There are 3 synchronization stages. During synchronization, the dialog appears informing you of the progress and showing you the description of a current stage.

  1. Uploading (only if there are changes to be uploaded)

  2. Updating Settings;

  3. Downloading;


Once you have successfully synchronized your device, you may disconnect it from the internet and start filling out forms and tasks in the offline mode.

When you are finished, connect to the Internet and tap the Synchronize button to upload collected data. You will see how many changes in responses and tasks are to be uploaded:

Alternatively, you may upload changes to individual responses and tasks by tapping the Upload button on a response or a task card. 

Incremental synchronization

By default, all subsequent synchronizations that you perform after the 1 one are incremental. During the incremental synchronization, the App downloads only new or changed forms, tasks and data models from the server instead of downloading all of the data each time. 

You can Force full sync (reload all data) instead in the Settings page.

Stopping synchronization

In case you need to stop sync or data upload, press the STOP SYNC button on the progress screen

It will also interrupt the particular data exchange process and you will have to restart the synchronization next time. 

Synchronization errors

The syncing process may end up with:

  • Failure (sync finished with major errors, no data has been overwritten. User may have to resynchronize to continue working);

  • With errors (some form resources or some parts of a data model failed to download. some forms and/or tasks may be outdated. User may need to resynchronize to continue working).

You will be notified if some of the data from your account failed to download during the sync: this includes form, data model or contact manager related information. 

If a form, task definition or a particular task were affected by the sync error, each of them will be marked with a tag. 

"Some resources failed to download. Try to restart synchronization."

Uploading errors

In case of uploading there are three types of the upload outcome:

  • Failure;

  • Interruption (a user cancels the upload. If some of the changes have already been uploaded before the user stopped the process, they will be saved to the server. 

Please read the article to know how to troubleshoot the synchronization issues.

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