Contacts View
You can see information about Contact Managers' activity. The article covers view modes, statistics info and their Settings.
Contacts Info View Modes
There are two view modes available for the contacts lists. You can switch between them by clicking on a respective link above the contacts list:
Profile Information - this mode shows contact profile fields;
Detailed Information - in this mode the contact statistics will be displayed.
Statistics Info
You can set up and view the statistics per contact using Contact Manager. Statistics is based on the scores assigned to the contact upon participating in your Form. It also displays data about the last sync/upload of contacts from their mobile devices.

Click on the Detailed Information link;
Hover your mouse over a tip. Click the Column button to see the list of characteristics;

Check the boxes to see the statistics of the selected characteristics.
Once you have selected characteristics, you will see them in a panel. Scroll horizontally on the right to see the complete list.

Below is the list of characteristics provided for each contact in this mode:
Last Upload / Last Sync. Displays the date of the last synchronization/upload of Contact's data from their mobile device.
Points. Amount of points earned by contact .
Max Points. Maximum score that can be earned by contact.
Score. Percentage score earned by particular contact.
Invited to. Number of forms launched for particular contact.
Started. Number of forms for each at least one response was created.
Finished. Number of forms for each at least one response was submitted.
Last activity. Date of contact's last activity.
Status. Contact status (Active, Not Active, Opt out)
Last invitation sent. The date of last invitation sending.
Last survey started. The date when a new response was created for the latest form launched for this contact.
Last survey finished. The date when a last response was submitted for the latest form launched for this contact.
Last survey status. The status of response created for the latest form launched for this contact.
Last Upload / Last Sync
The Last Upload column displays the date when a Contact uploaded their last data from a mobile device to the server. The Last Sync column displays the date when a Contact downloaded forms, task definitions, and data models last time.
The columns appear in the panel automatically once at least 1 Contact does a sync or upload.
The data will not be displayed for those Contacts who:
a. Do not use mobile applications;
b. Have not done a sync or upload yet;
c. Use older versions of mobile applications.
Click on a date. A Sync Info pop-up will be opened.
It displays the last 10 syncs of the contacts in the apps and the following information:
Sync type (Full, Incremental, Upload);
Sync Date;
Sync Type;
App Version;
Device Info.
How to setup Detailed Information
Click the Settings button above the contacts list.
Assign values to the contacts based on their actions:
Registration score is assigned to new contacts that are registered via the form. Those who correctly fill out the survey will be automatically added to specified Contact Manager and will be assigned with the score you set up.
Form Started score is assigned when respondent starts new survey.
Form Finished score is assigned for each new submitted survey.
Based on the assigned scores indicate the value to highlight contacts if their score is below the indicated range.
You can set the number of days after sending the latest email invitation after which all active contacts will become inactive.

If you want to exclude inactive respondents from your distribution campaigns, create a group in the Contact Manager based on the Status. Select Active status from the dropdown and system will exclude participants with Not active status from the distribution list.
Maximum score is the total of Registration, Form Started and Form Finished scores.
Scores can be assigned differently for each Contact Manager.

Delete Contact. Select the contact you want to delete and click the Delete Selected button. You can delete multiple contacts at once;
Click the Dashboard Rights button to on/off these rights;
Click the Edit button to go to the Edit Contact Manager page;
Export / Import If you want to export / import your contacts list to Excel or CSV click the Export button and select a respective option.
Plugin option allows you to choose a plugin.
Click on the View button to view the history of the selected contact.