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iOS Push Notifications

Mobile app users are notified automatically with the push notifications when the new tasks have been assigned to them. Push notifications is a convenient way of keeping the mobile users informed about the new tasks they have to complete, without requiring them to synchronize the app or check their email for new task assignments. 

How it works

Push notifications appear on screen of the mobile device when the new task is assigned to the user. Push notification will follow the default configuration of the mobile device and may appear on both locked and unlocked screens, as well as when users are using the other apps. On iOS 14 the push notifications look similar to the following:

Locked Screen

Notification Center

Unlocked screen

Tapping on the Push notification will open the app and prompt the user to synchronize the app, so that the task is downloaded to the mobile device and is available for the offline use.

When are the notification sent?

The Push notifications are sent to the mobile device(s) where the user is logged in whenever the new task is assigned to the user. This could happen in any of the following events:

  1. A new task is created:

    1. in the admin interface of

    2. via submitting a form with the 'Task Workflow' plugin

    3. via CSV file upload

    4. via the API

  2. An existing task is assigned to the user

Other conditions required for the Push notification to appear:

  1. User must have the app version 1.5.0 or later installed on their mobile device

  2. User must be logged in to the mobile app

  3. User must be connected to the internet

    1. If the user is using the app offline, the push notifications will be queued on the server and sent when the user is connected to the Internet.

Note that one push notification is sent to the mobile device for every new task assigned. The iOS may group multiple notifications together if there are multiple notifications sent at once. 

Configuring the Push notifications

The way push notifications appear and behave on the mobile device is controlled with the device settings. On iOS 14 the notification configuration is available at Settings > Notifications > . Push notifications may also be entirely disabled on the device using this configuration option. 

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