Plugins Access
You can extend the capabilities of the platform using the on-demand functionality of our plugins.
We built the plugin library to meet some specific data management needs and make it easier to build forms and automate tasks.
How to insert plugins into a form
On the Edit Form page, click the Plugins button on the upper toolbar.
You can also click the More button next to the Edit button on the Forms page.
Click the Add New Plugin button;
Select the plugin either from the list of the Plugins group or type a word containing the plugin's name into a search string to add it to your form;
Choose a plugin and click the Insert button;
Once you have adjusted the selected plugin's settings, the plugin will appear on the list of plugins added to the form;
Using the plugins list, you can:
When you copy a plugin, the second instance with the same settings appears in the list below the original. Copies of plugins are not active by default;
When you delete a plugin from a form, all of its settings are also deleted. Try the activate/deactivate option to temporarily deactivate some plugins without losing their settings.
Plugins Reordering
You can re-order the plugins on your plugins' list to organize as convenient to you, for your visual comfort.
Click the Edit pencil next to a plugin's number in the list to change it.
Note that our platform uses its own internal protocol to prioritize the order of execution for plugins. This particular order will not be overwritten by the order of plugins on your list.