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Presentation Formatting




Background color

<p style='background-color: #FF0000'>You can specify the background, this paragraph has red background</p>

You can specify the background, this paragraph has red background


<p align='left'>You can set the alignment of your text. This text is aligned to the left</p>
<p align='right'>If you want, you can align the text to the right</p>
<p align='center'>Or you can choose that the text should be centered</p>

You can set the alignment of your text. This text is aligned to the left

If you want, you can align the text to the right

Or you can choose that the text should be centered

Font Color

<font color=red>You can specify the color of your text. We chose red color for these lines.</font>

You can specify the color of your text. We chose red color for these lines.

Font Face

You are free to select the font face of your text, <font face='Arial'>for example you can choose Arial,</font> <font face='Times New Roman'>or Times New Roman.</font>

You are free to select the font face of your text, for example you can choose Arial, or Times New Roman.

Font Size

You can also set the size of the text, you can define the exact size: <font size='5'>Font size 5</font> or you can use a relative size: <font size='+1'>Font size +1.</font>

You can also set the size of the text, you can define the exact size: Font size 5 or you can use a relative size: Font size +1.


<i>You can write in Italics</i>

You can write in Italics


<b>You can emphasize the text with Bold</b>

You can emphasize the text with Bold


<u>You can underline text</u>

You can underline text

Strike Out

<s>Your text can appear as striked through text</s>

Your text can appear as striked through text


You can write a <sub>subscript text</sub>

You can write a subscript text


You can write a <sup>superscript text</sup>

You can write a superscript text

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