Properties & Data Flow
The Properties & Data Flow tab becomes active when a form is attached to the task definition, and responsible parties have been selected.
Properties are data points that characterize tasks. Their values are taken from an attached form. End users may use custom properties to search and filter tasks by them.
For instance, a store inspection form is attached to the task, and one of the form questions asks for the store's location. In this case, we can set up a Location property, the value of which will correspond to the answer to the form question about the store location.
Upon clicking on the tab, the Data Flow Editor appears. The editor consists of 3 columns with values for selection. You can use this editor to connect fields from the contact manager to the corresponding questions in the form and the task properties created by you.
To setup the Data Flow functionality for selected Data Definition you will need to:
Select a field from the Contact Manager column.
Indicate the data flow direction between columns. It can be chosen by means of the arrows located between the columns.
After the form is completed, data from the form overwrites contact manager data.
Form will be pre-populated with data from the contact manager.
Data can flow in both directions.
Select a question and/or answer (depending on the question type) from the form attached to the task definition in the Form column. Note that data flow direction between the second and the third column is already set. That is because properties are taken from a form.
The Task Definition column shows the list of custom properties that have been created for the current task definition and that are not currently used in mappings. To add a new property, input its name in the text box and click on Add. To add several properties at once, click Add -> Add multiple.
You can also search the contact manager columns and the form items for values that contain certain text by typing this text into Search box located above the columns.
To edit or delete a property, click on a bin icon next to the property label.
The Overwrite with empty values checkbox is used if respondents leave a question unanswered and you prefer deleting data from the appropriate field in the contact manager so that it is left blank.
After you have selected values and chosen data flow direction, click the Apply Mapping button.
Mapping between the form questions and the task custom properties can only be applied to the following question/answer types: Single Line(answer options), Pick One or 'Other'(entire question), Dropdown(entire question), Numeric Allocation(answer options), Object Lookup, File Upload.