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Clearing Your Web Browser's Cookies and Cache

On this page, you can find step-by-step instructions on how to clear your cookies and cache in browsers recommended for use with our application.

Clearing your cookies will result in the loss of any saved logins your browser has stored by activating a web site's own "Remember login and password" option.

If instead you use your browser's built-in feature for saving passwords, they will not be lost by clearing cookies and cache.

To make sure you are not clearing passwords saved with your browser's built-in feature for that, consult your browser's documentation.

Google Chrome (latest version)

  1. Click the menu (Customize and control Google Chrome) button on the right edge of the toolbar, and then choose Delete browsing data.
    Or use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Delete.

  2. In the Delete browsing data dialog, set the Time range drop-down to All time, and make sure Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files are checked. Click the Delete data button.

  3. Exit (close all browser windows) and restart Google Chrome for the changes to take effect. 

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based, latest version)

  1. Click the menu (Settings and more) button at the right edge of the toolbar, select History, and then click the trash (Delete browsing data) button.
    Or use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Delete.

  2. In the Delete browsing data dialog, set the Time range drop-down to All time, and make sure Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files are checked. Click the Clear now button.

  3. Exit (close all browser windows) and then restart Microsoft Edge for the changes to take effect.

 Mozilla Firefox (latest version):

  1. Click the menu (Open Application Menu) button at the right edge of the toolbar, choose History, and then choose Clear Recent History.
    Or use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Delete.

  2. In the Clear browsing data and cookies dialog, set the When drop-down to Everything, and make sure that both Cookies and site data and Temporary cached files and pages are checked. Click the Clear button.

  3. Exit (close all browser windows) and then restart Mozilla Firefox for the changes to take effect.

 Safari on OS X (latest version)

  1. If necessary, enable the Develop menu: Open the Safari menu, choose Preferences, switch to the Advanced tab, and activate Show Develop menu in menu bar. Then close Preferences.

  2. From the Develop menu, choose Empty Caches.
    Or use the keyboard shortcut Option + Command + E.

  3. Exit (close all browser windows) and then restart Safari for the changes to take effect.

Our Supported Browsers page includes information about older and alternative browsers that are supported for respondents' use.

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