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Column or Bar Chart

The column or bar chart plugin may be used as an instrument of data visualization,  as an alternative to dashboards or column or bar charts available in a report by respondent. However, this plugin offers limited functionality to be used for simple tasks; on the other hand dashboards feature was designed specifically to target complex vizualizat

The Column or Bar chart plugin displays a column or a bar chart based on answers values inside a form or a survey. Built column or bar chart is also available in report by respondent. This chart visualizes numeric values from answer options of a Single line text question and only these data formats are supported: 

  • CODE
  • CODE
    currency(dollar, pound, euro);
  • CODE
    number > 0 ;
  • CODE
    decimal number.

To apply this plugin to your form/survey, specify following parameters:

  1. Chart type Choose one of the available types of chart : bar chart (horizontal) or column chart (vertical). 

  2. Chart position Specify reference to a question after which the chart should be displayed. Use Qx or Qx.Ay or Qx.Ay.Cz notation. 

  3. Chart width Specify chart width in pixels or reference to a question where a user types in chart width. By default, chart widht is set as 800px.Use Qx.Ay or Qx.Ay.Cz notation.

  4. Chart height Specify chart width in pixels or reference to a question where a user types in chart height. By default, chart widht is set as 600px.Use Qx.Ay or Qx.Ay.Cz notation.

  5. Chart title Specify chart title or reference to a question where a user specifies chart title.Use Qx.Ay or Qx.Ay.Cz notation. 

  6. Chart color Select chart color. System provides a set of available colors: black, blue, green, red, dark red, orange, purple.

  7. Column or bar label character limit Specify character limit for Bar or Column labels or reference to a question where a user types in characters limit.Use Qx.Ay or Qx.Ay.Cz notation. Must be numeric. Only first X characters are displayed with following "..." for Bar or Column labels longer than the specified limit of X. By default this limit is set to 13 characters.

  8. Show data labels Select whether to show or not the labels of data.

  9. Show axis and grid Select whether to show or not axis and grid.

  10. *Show axis labels Select whether to show or not axis labels. Please note, that axis labels are shown only if axis line and grid are selected to be displayed.

  11. Axis unit Specify axis unit (or step) for vertical axis grid of Bar chart or horizontal axis grid for Column chart. Unfilled parameter means that axis unit will be calculated automatically according to referenced answer options. Use Qx.Ay or Qx.Ay.Cz notation.

  12. Minimum axis bound Specify minimum value for axis bound or reference to a question where a user types in minimum axis bound. Use Qx.Ay or Qx.Ay.Cz notation. Unfilled parameter means that minimum value from referenced answer options will be set as minimum axis bound. By default minimum value is set to 0. 

  13. Maximum axis bound Specify maximum value for axis bound or reference to a question where a user types in maximum axis bound. Use Qx.Ay or Qx.Ay.Cz notation. Unfilled parameter means that maximum value from referenced answer options will be set as maximum axis bound.

  14. Source answer options Specify reference to an answer options of a question the column or bar chart will be based on. Use Qx.Ay or Qx.Ay.Cz notation

Quick edit button allows to enter and edit all references at once, each in separate line.

Please note, that this plugin also works with question and answer identifiers, so you can use them instead of question and answer numbers in plugin parameters.

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