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Visual and Interactive Plugins

This category contains plugins for visual and interactive survey enhancements.



Matrix Calculations

Matrix calculations" plugin is used to calculate column and row total scores for the Matrix questions. Row and column total scores will be calculated only for the open-ended fields in the question.

Access Time Saver

Use this plugin if you want to track the time of a first access to your form. It can also create incomplete responses for the forms that were not filled out and submitted. 

BlackBerry Numeric Input

If your target respondents use BlackBerry devices they can type numbers and special symbols without switching the keypad to the numeric mode with the help of "BlackBerry Numeric Input" plugin.


Use the Calendar plugin to embed calendar into your form allowing respondents to pick a date in a pop-up calendar without typing.

Column or Bar chart

The column or bar chart plugin may be used as an instrument of data visualization,  as an alternative to dashboards or column or bar charts available in a report by respondent.

Capture Time Spent on Page

 This plugin allows capturing the number of seconds the respondent spends on every page of the form.

Comment Box

 If you use open-ended questions in your survey or form for collecting comments or personal data, you can enlarge text fields to make data input more convenient. "Comment box" plugin initiates pop-up comment box by double or single click in the Multi-line or Single Line Text fields.

Compare Value

 The Compare values plugin allows to compare values in two different text fields and warn the user if the values do not match.

Current Time Saver

 The Current Time Saver plugin captures the time at which the form was accessed by a respondent. 

Drag and Drop Ranking

"Drag and drop ranking" plugin is used to improve look and feel of the Rate Different Items type of question with the Absolute Rank feature activated.


The <exclusive/> tag is helpful whenever a question having a few answer choices with one of them being mutually exclusive with the rest, for example: selecting the 'None of the mentioned above' answer option means that other answer options cannot be selected; the feature is used in order to avoid selecting other options.

Fixed Header for Rating Scale and Matrix Questions

This plugin is commonly used when your Rate items along the scale of your choice and 3D Matrix questions have a long list of items to rate. This plugin makes the question scale freeze when scrolling through items.

Google Map

You can embed the Google Map if you want your responders to indicate their location.

GPS Location

 The GPS Location plugin allows you to record the GPS location of a mobile device used by respondents. 

Increment Decrement Number

This plugin allows to display a "+" or "-" button next to a numeric fields to increment and decrement the number in the field by 1.

Mobile Friendly Controls

"Mobile friendly control" plugin transforms the radio and check boxes to a format that makes them easier to choose from a handheld device.

Page Selector

The Page Selector plugin is commonly used if your form consists of multiple sections and you want to allow your respondents to navigate between these sections.

Predictive Text Input

Predictive text input plugin provides typing suggestions for Single Line Text and 3D Matrix type of questions making it easier and faster to fill out the form for respondents. 

Respondent Time Tracker

Use this plugin to log the time respondents spend on voting. 

Score Calculator

 The Score Calculator plugin is used for calculating total scores either in a single question or a questions section.

Select All Checkboxes

 "Select all checkboxes" plugin adds additional answer option to the Check All that Apply type of question that allows respondents to select all answers at once or clear all selections.

Signature Area Plugin

 "Signature area" plugin is used to create a signature area for the respondent to be able to digitally sign a Form/Survey.


 "Slider" plugin is used to allow respondents selecting numeric values without entering them manually for Single-Line type of questions.

Star Ratings

 The Star ratings plugin displays stars instead of default radio buttons for the  Rate Different Items Along the Scale of Your Choice type of question.

Time Picker

Use this plugin whenever you need a respondent to specify time in an answer option.  Time may be recorded in either 24-hour or 12-hour formats and may consist of hours, minutes, seconds, and the AM/PM designator.

Toggle Question Visibility

 This plugin allows respondents to hide/show a question in a form using the toggling on/off custom HTML element, located in the same form.

Barcode Scanner

This plugin allows you to scan barcode formats using a camera on your device and save the retrieved data to the answer options of the Single Line Text type of questions.

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