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Comment Box

If you use open-ended questions in your survey or form for collecting comments or personal data, you can enlarge text fields to make data input more convenient. "Comment box" plugin initiates pop-up comment box by double or single click in the Multi-line or single line text fields.

Insert "Comment box" plugin and adjust the following parameters:

  1. Event for Single Line Fields - This parameter is applicable if your survey or form contains one or more questions of the Single Line or Numeric Allocation type. 


Select the event to initiate bigger-sized comment box to pop-up:

None - Comment box will not pop-up until number of entered characters reaches number indicated within the next parameter.
Single Click - Comment box will pop-up when respondents click the text field only once or when the number of entered characters reaches number indicated within the next parameter.
Double Click - Comment box will pop-up when respondents double click the text field or when the number of entered characters reaches number indicated within the next parameter.

2. Amount of Characters for Single Line Fields - Indicate number of characters respondents should type to initiate pop-up window opening.

Please keep in mind that the pop-up window is opened when a responder enters the indicated number of characters and +1 entered characters. For example, you specified 5 characters, but the pop-up window will be displayed after the 6 entered character.

3. Event for Multiline Fields - This parameter should be set in the same way as the first parameter if you need bigger-sized text-box to pop-up for Multiline type of question.

4. Amount of Characters for Multiline Fields - This parameter should be set in the same way as the second parameter if you need bigger-sized text-box to pop-up for Multiline type of question.

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