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Signature Area Plugin

"Signature area" plugin is used to create a signature area for the respondent to be able to digitally sign a Form.

The Plugin may only be applied to the Multi-Line question type. 

In order to setup the plugin, you would be required to specify multiple parameters:

  1. Area Height - Specify the height of the signature field.

  2. Area Width - Specify the width of the signature field.

  3. Line Width - Specify the width of the signature line.

  4. Line Color - Specify the color of the signature line.

  5. Background Color - Specify signature background color. Use one of the following formats: #XXX or #XXXXXX. Default value is #f0f0f0.

  6. Border Color - Specify Signature Border Color. Use one of the following formats: #XXX or #XXXXXX. Default value is #000 (black).

  7. Date Color - Specify Signature Date Color. Use one of the following formats: #XXX or #XXXXXX. Default value is #000 (black).

  8. * Erase Signature if Back  - Either enable or disable the signature from being erased upon pressing the back button or returning to the Form/Survey.

  9. Show date - Select, whether a date should be shown or hide.

  10. * Question - Specify the question that the plugin will be applied to.

See an example of applied plugin and the list of parameters for its' implementation below:

  • Area Height: 300

  • Area Width: 700

  • Line Width: 2

  • Line Color: #000

  • Erase Signature if Back: False

  • Question: Q1
    Upon applying the Plugin there should be a field of 300x700px which would allow the respondent to sign their response with a black color line and 2px width

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