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Custom Filters for Report URL

This feature allows you to generate URL with filters on the report containing questions with text responses.

The Custom Filters for Report URL allows the report viewer to preview and filter a report without accessing your account directly.

Click the Publish button for the selected custom report on the Reports home page and then:

  1. Under the first step, the link to your report resides. Copy that link.

  2. Using any external text editor add filter logic at the end of your report link and specify parameters of your filters.

  3. Insert the customized report URL in your website.

Here is a customized report URL with parameters for filter logic and filters: OR (F2 AND F3)&F1=[Q1.A2][M]filter text&F2=[Q2.A7][M]filter text&F3=[Q3.A5][C]filter text&F4=[Q4.A1]

Original report link is in red.
Start of filter logic (this will always be the same) is in green.
Filter logic is in purple.
Parameters of the filters are in brown.

Parameter LOGIC describes filter logic. You can use AND, OR and combined filter logics.

LOGIC=F1 AND F2 means that you will see the report on those respondents who meet the conditions of all your filters.
LOGIC=F1 OR F2 means that you will see the report on those respondents who meet the conditions at least of one of your filters.
LOGIC=F1 OR (F2 AND F3 ) means that you will see the report on those respondents who meet the conditions of F1 or F2 and F3 filters.
The same filter logic is used in our Advanced Filter, for details consult the Advanced Filterand Filter Logic help chapters.

This report URL contains a set of parameters describing filters. For example, F1=[Q1.A2][M]text, where:
F1 - filter,
Q1 - question number,
A2 - answer number,
text - text response.

You can use [M], [C], [R] or [W] tokens before the text response.
For example, F2=[Q2.A7][M]topic- means that the responses that contain the exact line string indicated next to [M] in the report URL will be included in the report. For example, filter F1=[Q1.A1][M]12 11 will include following responses: "13 12 11 10" or "15 14 12 11"
F3=[Q3.A5][C]topic - means that the responses that contain at least one of the words indicated next to [C] in the report URL regardless of their order will be included in the report. For example, filter F1=[Q1.A1][C]12 11 will include following responses "11 12 13 14" or "14 13 12 11"
F3=[Q3.A5][R]topic - means that the responses that match the regular expression indicated next to [R] in the report URL will be included in the report.
F3=[Q3.A5][W]topic - means that the responses that match the wildcard indicated next to [W] in the report URL will be included in the report.

If your filter logic is based on "Pick one or other" or "Dropdown list" questions, there is no need to use additional [M], [C], [R] or [W] tokens, just reference an answer option of a question:

For example, F1=[Q1.A2]

You can use [DS] and [DE] tokens to specify Start Date and End Date for the filtering.
For example, LOGIC=F1 AND F2&F1=[DS]2005-08-25&F2=[DE]2005-09-23 - means that the report will contain only those responses that were received between the dates specified next to [DS](start date) and [DE](end date) tokens in the report URL.

  • For the Single Line question type, you should specify not only the question number but the answer choice number as well.

    For example:


  • The text response specified next to [M] or [C] tokens and logical operators (AND and OR) is case-insensitive.

  • URL filters may be saved by means of cookies within the same browser session. To open blank report following the default report URL it is strongly recommended closing all current sessions and opening new browser window or using different browser.

  • If you want to open report without clearing browser cache or restarting browser please use the &resetFilters=true parameter at the end of your default report URL. In this case each time you open report link it will be reset to the default status.

 Here is the example of how your report link should look like:

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