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Data Models Creation

To create a new Data Model, go to the Data Models menu and click the New New Data Model buttons.

  • The New Data Model window will pop up. Type the Data Model Name.

There are 2 ways to create a Data Model:

  1. Create object list by uploading file with data This option allows adding objects to the Data Model in batches by uploading a UTF-8 encoded (up to 2 bytes per character. In most cases, it is possible to import a UTF-8 encoded CSV file with 3- and 4-byte characters. However, we can not guarantee that your 3 and 4 bytes symbols will be displayed correctly.). CSV file with the data separated by commas or file separated with tabs, spaces, pipes, etc. The maximum size of the data file for upload is 200 Mb. For more details consult the Synchronization help chapter.

  2. Create object list by manually editing fieldsSelect this option if you want to add records to the Custom Data Model manually one by one. Setting up Data Model fields is the first action to do when creating objects within an account for the first time.

Create object list by uploading file with data

  • Create a data file using Excel or Notepad containing the data that you would like to upload. The data file may or may not contain the column headers and must have as many rows in it for as many contacts you would like to upload.

  • Save your file as a UTF-8 encoded .CSV file, with the data separated by commas, tabs, spaces, pipes, etc.;

Here are the recommendations for the maximum size of the Data Model:

  • Not more than 400 columns.

  • Not more than 4000 Bytes per row. For instance, 4000 symbols in English, 2000 symbols in Cyrillic alphabet.

  • No restrictions for the number of rows.

If the number of columns or bytes are exceeded, it may result in Data Model performance issues.

  • The Import Settings page will be displayed. You can select to import the file either from your computer or from network or internet.

Please read the import settings functionality to know how to set up import settings.

  • Once you have adjusted import settings, you will see the Preview page of your file. If everything looks correct, press the Next button;

  • You will be redirected to the Edit fields page. Data Model fields are used to keep records data, for example names, email addresses, positions and other.

  • Fields name have been set according to the header from your file. Click the Add field button if you want to add a new Field name;

  • Format Select data type that will be stored within the field, this will prevent you from entering incorrect field values;

  • Unique key is a record identifier within the Data Model. It is used to prevent records duplication, as well as to identify records for forms distribution and reports. You can use any field to be the unique key.

  • Click the Next button.

Mapping Fields

If you are importing objects to an existing data model, on the Mapping page you can map .CSV file fields to the fields that are already present in the Data Model. If the data file contains more fields than appear in the Data Model, you can add new Data Model fields right from this page.

To map the fields:

  • Click the data source column from the Import File columns field.

  • Click the column you want to synchronize with from the Data Model Fields field.

  • Click Apply Mapping.

  • When you need to delete a mapping click Remove.



  • Select the column to use as a unique identifier so there are no duplicates within the Data Model. You can assign your own value to this field or select the Generate unique value automatically option to automatically generate random object ID value, which then cannot be customized.

  • Click the Run Import button.

Create object list by manually editing fields

  • Since you are creating a new Data Model from scratch, you will be automatically redirected to the Edit Fields page.

  • Type in field names. These names will be displayed on the Data Model home pages. Click the Add Field button to save a new field to the Data Model.

  •  Under the Format column select data type that will be stored within the field, this will prevent you from entering incorrect field values.

  • Unique key is a record identifier within the Data Model. It is used to prevent records duplication, as well as to identify records for forms distribution and reports. You can use any field to be the unique key;

  • Click the New field button to add a new Field name.

  • Click the Delete button next to the field you want to delete. You cannot delete field if there are records in the Data Model with the filled data in it.

  • Click Save to save the Data Model.

Add Objects

  • Now that the DM structure is defined, click +Add Objects button:

  • Input information into the corresponding fields.

  • Field that has been set as a unique ID is marked as Object ID. You can assign your own value to this field or select the Generate unique value automatically option to automatically generate random object ID value, which then cannot be customized.

  • Save & New saves current record and opens blank form for new object.

  • Click Save to save record.




In the left pane you can create new, view and manage existing data models:.






We highly recommend following the instructions below in order to create a Data model without any issues:

  • Data model with 125 (or less) columns will be created without any issues.

  • If your Data model consists of 125-400 columns and more than 101 rows with more than 10 symbols in each cell, then the warning message will appear, and the Data model will be created in 15-20 seconds

  • Please be sure to input no more than 4000 bytes of information per each row (about 4000 Latin symbols and 2000 Cyrillic), meaning all of them can be typed in one or multiple cells or divided between all cells in row.

  • We do not recommend creating a Data model with more than 400 columns in order to have smooth and consistent platform behavior.

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