Email Reply tag
Use the <EMAIL_REPLY/> tag to send an email alert to respondents even if your form has not been distributed via our mail system. You can ask respondents for their email address and email alert will be sent to that address.
This tag is available for the Single line text with pre-format options question type only.
To insert the tag:
Select the Alert to respondent option when setting up email alerts for your form. More info on this can be found on the Email Alert help page.
Add a question of the Single Line Text with Pre-Format Option type, asking for an email address to be stated in the answer fields.
Mark the answer field that collects the e-mail information using either one of the two methods:
Click the Wrench icon on the right from an answer field, and check Respondent's email option:

Check Respondent's email option;

Or you can switch the question editing mode to Standard and Insert the <EMAIL_REPLY/> tag in the answer field that will collect the email addresses:

After respondents submit their surveys, email alert will be sent to the email addresses they indicated.
You can use this option only once in your form.
If the Email alert to respondent has been set and your survey has been distributed via our mail system then email alert will be sent to the email address indicated within the question that contains <EMAIL_REPLY/> tag.
Respondents must add their email addresses into a designated answer option field otherwise they will not receive an email alert.
Email Alerts are sent once the respondent has clicked the Submit button