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Expiration Email

Expiration Email can be set up to remind the account owner that the Expiration date of the form/survey is approaching.

In order to compose a text of an email for the expiration message, click the Edit email button on the Launch page, and then:

  1. Indicate the From address for your email.  The default address is the email address indicated in your account. You may also write your name along with the email address by using the following format: [John Smith] or John Smith<>.

  2. Indicate the Send reply to email in the corresponding field.

  3. Indicate the subject of your email in the Subject field.

It is not recommended to copy/paste the Subject from external sources, such actions may corrupt your Email appearance.

4. Click the Attach Files link to attach a document to your Expiration email. You can attach more than one file. Click Attach file... to add new attach field. Then click the Browse button to select a file saved locally on your computer. The total size of all uploaded files should be less than 4 MB.

5. Use a WYSIWYG editor to create and format your content. Like word processors, the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor is equipped with a full text-editing interface;

6. The default email text is the following:

Please note that your survey "[Survey Name]" is going to expire on [End Survey Date]. Log into your account to extend survey access period by adjusting "Survey End" date.

Feel free to change the text if needed and press Save to save your settings and exit the Edit Email page.

When writing Expiration Email text you can use additional tags and HTML.


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