External Response ID
This feature (also called the URL ID) is used to grant personalized access to a response through form URLs sent to users. Similarly to the URL Suffix functionality, the form creator specifies some parameter name that will be added with some unique identifier into a custom URL.
Users provided with such custom links may either access and edit completed responses or create new responses based on the settings specified.
Setting up the URL ID
To access the feature, the following conditions must be met:
To access this feature it must be enabled by the account administrator.
If the URL Suffix functionality has already been enabled (by the account admin, as well), it must be turned off: the two features cannot be used in form accounts simultaneously.
The feature is not available for forms launched through either a task definition, an email launch, using a password-protected option, or through a Salesforce integration.
To set up the feature, go to Edit form > Settings:

Parameter name to be passed in the URL:
You need to come up with the parameter's name to be used in the customized URL link containing the ID. Your parameter name must not contain:
delimiter characters: / ? & = | ;
spaces in the body (space outside of the text body will be ignored);
system keywords: onunload, validateTime, ARGS, LQID, i_n_f, Dir, surveyID, CharsetLine, goNextPage.y, goNextPage.x, RID, SID, RespondentID, pwd, pwd2, ALL_QIDS, EMAIL, WebPoll, SFObj, SFObjID, integrationSurveyID, ALL_COLUMNS, ALL_QUESTIONS, dispLinkId, globalFormID, logicPluginMenu, rspEmailAddress, startTime, VMODE;
Allow responses with no URL ID defined:
Tick the box if you want to limit the ability to create a new response to the respondents with the URL ID only.
Allow to reassign responses on edit:
Tick the box if you wish to allow the user with the URL ID to complete the response originally created by a different respondent.