Form Layout Design
On this page you can change Form colors and fonts, change a text for standard buttons or upload your own.
Form Layout page consists of two panes:
Categories pane is used to organize the current layout, standard and custom themes. You can find it in the left part of the screen.
Layout pane displays list of layout themes that reside in the selected folder and category, and controls to edit or create new survey layout.
To edit current form layout, follow the steps below:
Click the Layout link from the Current Layout folder.
From the Layout Pane in the right click the Edit link.
Apply layout Styles, Buttons and CSS.
Save the changes.
Standard Themes folder contain ready-made themes that apply custom design to the survey per one click. Theme is comprised of a set of graphics and cascading style sheets (CSS) that control styles, fonts, and other elements. To apply a theme to your survey, follow these steps:
Select the category from Standard Themes folder.
Click on the magnifier icon on the theme thumbnail to preview the theme.
Select the theme you would like to apply and click on it. Please note, that any previous fonts, buttons and colors will be lost.
Custom Themes folder is used to store your custom design templates (themes). You can copy and customize existing themes or create new one from scratch. To categorize custom themes, you can create custom categories for quick access to the appropriate design templates. To create a new category:
Go to the Custom Themes folder.
Click the New button from the pane menu at the top.
Give name to the custom category and confirm saving.
From the Layout pane you can create new custom themes, edit and delete design templates from the Custom Themes folder.
To create new theme, click the New Theme button from the Layout pane and follow the steps below:
Enter theme name.
Select category for the new theme.
Upload thumbnail image. Thumbnail is a small preview of the theme and is displayed in the Layout pane.
Click Next to save changes and proceed to the layout customizing pages.
If you edit a Custom theme which was already applied to some forms and surveys, you need to reapply this theme to these forms to reflect the changes.
To preview your survey in a test mode click the magnifier icon in the right corner of the theme thumbnail.
You can customize the layout of the Standard Themes and adapt it to your particular needs, for example: change font style, weight or color, apply new logo and others. Apply any theme to your survey from the list of ready-made themes. Then go to the Current Layout folder and click Edit link. From the Edit Layout page you can use Styles or CSS editor.
Back Takes you back to the New Form Builder page.
Next Redirects you to the survey Settings page.