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Form Builder Interface and Functions

The form builder allows you to create questions and edit questions using platform tools. Use the Form builder and its intuitive interface and a robust set of tools to create a form.

This article describes the functions and features of the interface and tools.

Form Builder Page

Once you have chosen a form creation method, named the form, and clicked Save, you will see the Form Builder:

1. Change the form name (must be unique).  The form has a predefined name – its date and time of creation.

2. Change the form title (optional);

3. Enter a form introduction (optional);

4. Add internal notes (optional);

5. Click the +Add first question button to create a question.

Form Builder Panels

The form builder is divided into 4 main panels: 

1. Toolbar panels: 

  • Top panel

(2) and lower panel (3). Both panels display all platform tools for the form editing;

2. Navigation panel:

  • lets you see the content of a form;

  • helps you to find a question you want by clicking on it;

  • displays the total question number;

3. Central panel:

  • edit name of a question/answer option;

  • add a new question or/and answer option;

  • delete a new question or/and answer option;

  • add/remove page break.

4. Question settings penal:

  • adjust question types and question validation settings.

Functions and Features of Form Panels

Toolba r panels

The panels display all additional tools for the form editing.

The top panel (1) has the following tools:

Click on a tool down below to see more details.





Data Models



The lower panel tools (2) are the following:

Click on a tool down below to see more details.


Advanced Features

Email Alerts;

Header & Footer;








Navigation panel

1. Click on the top left button on the page to expand the Navigation menu;

2. The icons from the right side of question names correspond to their type;

3. See the page numbers;

4. Click on the collapsible icon to see the answer options;

5. Displays the total question number.

Central panel

1. Select a question type from the dropdown menu;

2. Add a new answer option;

3. Change a name of a question;

4. Delete an answer option;

5. Add a new answer option;

6. Add a new question;

7. Add / Remove page break.

8. Hide a question;

9. Copy a question;

10. Delete a question.

Question settings panel

The panel features depend on the selected question type. 

The question settings panel allows you to adjust question and answer option settings specific for every question type.

Additional tips and tricks 

  • The total question number is displayed on the Navigation menu. The list of questions and/or answer options is loaded with 100 items at once. 

  • All changes that you have made are saved automatically.

  • If any errors occur, the question/answer option will be highlighted in red color on the Central panel:

     The Question settings panel will display the reason for the error. Mouse over the error icon to see a reason:

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