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Dashboards allow you to visualize, manipulate and share the data you collect through our platform.

Dashboards consist of various charts. Charts display both Submitted and In Progress forms, showing relationships between data categories and process large volumes of data. Using filters, the Dashboard viewers will be able to filter the information presented in charts and see the changes reflected right away.

Dashboards work separately from the original Reporting functionality, which you may also continue to use.



Create New Dashboard

Articles describe how to work with Dashboards, create a New Dashboard from scratch, select the Data Source for it and proceed to the Edit Dashboard page

Edit Dashboard Page

This article presents a page where you will be able to create Charts and configure Dashboard Filters.
It also contains links to pages with full instructions that will help you to adjust and edit Dashboards.

Data Source Panel

This panel displays questions, answer options, columns and some system information associated with the form that you’ve selected as a data source for your dashboard. This data is used to set up charts and filters.

Dashboard Design

Design is the first Tab on the Edit Dashboard panel. There you can specify the color palette for all graphic charts. 

Dashboard Filters

The articles explains how you can limit the responses displayed in a Dashboard and allow the viewers to filter collected data themselves.

There are two levels of filtering: Data filters and User filters.


The chapter covers functions and features of the dashboard in the form of charts.

Preview Dashboard

The dashboard owner can preview the Dashboard by clicking the Preview button, located at the bottom of the Edit Dashboard panel.

Publish Dashboard

When the Dashboard has been created, you can share it via a link or publish to the Online Portal. 

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