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The article covers functions and features of the Dashboard in the form of charts.

How to create a Chart

  • To create a new chart, click the +Add Chart button, located on the Dashboard Body area:

  • A blank chart appears on the Dashboard body and the Edit Chart panel opens on the right:

The current chapter contains the following topics



Editing Charts

The article explains how you can change charts' size, copy and delete them. The Edit Chart panel allows you to select a Chart Type, adjust its values and dimensions for building the chart, add/edit the chart title and subtitle.

Chart Values (Calculations)

A chart on the Dashboard is defined by values (calculated measurements based on the data collected in the form) and dimensions (a way to break down values by categories).
Depending on the data format, different set of formulas and settings are available for calculating values and setting up dimensions.

Chart Dimensions

Dimensions are used to break down the calculated values into specific categories in a chart or table and help to focus on different groups of data. 

Chart Design Tab

The Design tab presents options depending on the Chart or Table type, as well as the combination of dimensions and calculations in the chart data.

Chart Types

The chapter presents 5 chart types.

Chart Export

The article explains how you can export charts either to CSV files or as JPEG, PNG or SVG image files.

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