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Form Builder

The Form builder has a customer-friendly design and a robust set of question settings functionality that allows you to create a new form quickly and conveniently. 

This chapter contains articles with full instructions that will help you to create a form using the FORM application.

How to get access to the Form Builder

Ask your account manager to activate a form builder for your account or watch out for the invite from our product team.

List of help articles 

The table below presents help articles that will help you to know how to create and manage a form in the Form builder.



How to Create a Form with Form Builder

The article presents 4 ways to create a form.

Form Builder Interface and Functions

The article describes the functions of 4 form builder panels.

Add Logo in Form Builder

The article explains how to add a logo to the form to meet your company or product's design.

Questions and answer options settings and features

This sub-chapter contains a description of optional settings and features that are used for creating/designing questions.

Question Types Table

This page describes the meaning and purpose of each question type available.

Advanced Piping

The Advanced Piping feature for the Form Builder allows you to apply extended piping options more conveniently.

Application Tags in Form Builder

 The article covers how to implement settings to the Form Builder and their availability.

Multilingual feature

The article explains how you can create a multilingual form to support diverse respondents in voting.

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