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IP Address Access Restriction Plugin

This plugin allows you to restrict or specifically allow access to your form based on the respondents' IP addresses. 


Allow/Prohibit Access: Choose whether you want to allow or prohibit access to your survey for the specific IP address or address ranges.

IP Range: Indicate the IP addresses or the IP address ranges that are allowed to access the form. Use the following format for ranges: x.x.x.x—y.y.y.y. You may list multiple IP addresses or ranges, using comma as a delimiter. 


Allow/Prohibit: Allow

IP Range:—

A respondent using any IP address that falls within the — range is given access to the form using the plugin. For those with the IP addresses out of the range the pop-up message will be displayed:

"Sorry! Your IP address does not seem to be in the allowed range"

A respondent using any IP address that falls within the — range is given access to the form using the plugin. For those with the IP addresses out of the range the pop-up message will be displayed:

"Sorry! Your IP address does not seem to be in the allowed range" 

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