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List of Regular Expressions

Working with our application you can use the following regular expressions:

  • General Expressions 

  • Maximum Quantifiers 

  • Alternative and Grouping 

  • Special notations with \

  • Examples

  • Additional examples of complex expressions

General Expressions 


matches any value containing the letter a

apple, and, canal


matches the beginning of a string.

The expression ^A stands for the 'A' in "Anthony goes to Spain," but does not stand for it in "Susan goes to Africa"


matches the end of a string.

The expression t$ stands for the 't' in "seat," but does not stand for it in "teacher"


matches any single character.

For example, .n will correspond to 'an' and 'on', but not to 'navy'.


matches any of the characters in the sequence.

The expression [abd] allows entering words containing the letters in brackets: doll, bath, apricot.
The expression [1-9] allows entering any number from 1 to 9.
The '-' character is treated as a literal character if it is the last or the first character within the brackets, or if it follows a backslash: [abc-], [-abc], or [a\-bc].


matches any character except those in the sequence.

If you use expression [^abc] your respondents will not be allowed to input anything that contains letters a, b or c.

Maximum Quantifiers 


matches preceding character at least m, but not more than n times

For example, the expression a{1,3} means that you can enter words containing from 1 to 3 letters 'a'


matches preceding character m or more times

The expression a{2,} allows entering words containing 2 or more letters 'a'


matches preceding character from 0 to n times

The expression a{,2} allows you to enter words containing from 0 to 2 letters 'a'


matches preceding character 0 or more times

The expression bo* allows you to input words containing only one letter 'b' and 0 or more letters 'o'


matches preceding character 1 or more times

The expression a+ allows entering words containing 1 or more letters 'a'


matches preceding character 0 or 1 times

Using the expression e? you can input words containing 0 or 1 letter 'e'

Alternative and Grouping 



The expression green|red means that you can input either 'green' or 'red'

( )


The expression (ca)* means that * refers to all characters in brackets and you can input words containing 0 or more letters 'c' and 'a'

Special notations with \


toggles off the interpretation of metacharacters and converts the following alphacharacters (w,d,s) in metacharacters.

For example, * is a special character that means 0 or more occurrences of the preceding character should be specified; for example, a* means match 0 or more a's. To match * literally, precede it with a backslash; for example, a\* matches 'a*'.


matches any single character classified as a "word" character: a letter or a number

The expression \w allows entering a letter or a number


matches any digit character, equivalent to [0-9]

The expression \d allows entering a number from 0 to 9.


matches any white space character (space, tab, new line, form feed)

The expression \s\w* allows to input only one white space and after it 0 or more letters or numbers.


matches any non-"word" character

The expression \W means that you can enter everything except letters and numbers.


matches any non-digit character

The expression \D allows entering everything except numbers.


matches any non-whitespace character

The expression \S allows to input everything except white spaces.


^[0-5]?[0-9]$ - this simple expression allows to enter any whole number from 00 to 59. 1-digit numbers from 0 to 9 are allowed as well.

  • ^ - asserts position at the beginning of the string

  • [0-5] - matches a single character in the range between '0' and '5'

  • ? - matches the preceding element 0 or 1 times

  • [0-9] - matches a single character in the range between '0' and '9'

  • $ - asserts position at the end of the string

You can use regular expressions if you need to create a format that will allow users to enter only phone numbers of the following types:

(756)667-7832 or (756) 667 - 7832 ext. 234

In this case the formula will look like \(\d{3}\)\s?\d{3}\s?-\s?\d{4}\s?(\w+\.?\s?\d+)*

  • \(\) stands for brackets, \ is used to interpret () as simple brackets;

  • \d{3} refers to the sequence of three digits (numbers 0 to 9);

  • \d{4} refers to the sequence of four digits (numbers 0 to 9);

  • \s? means that there can be no spaces or only one space;

  • \w+ means that there can be one or more letters;

  • \d+ means that there can be one or more digits (numbers 0 to 9);

  • \.? stands for the dot, \ is used to interpret . as a simple dot and it means that there can be no dots or only one dot;

  • (\w+\.?\s?\d+)* means that the combination of letters and numbers can occur many times or never at all.

Additional examples of complex expressions



Any whole positive number + 0

(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)\d\d


Matches a date in mm/dd/yyyy format from between 1900-01-01 and 2099-12-31. '-', '/', '.' can be used as separators.


Domain name


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