Random Sequence Generator
Random sequence generator plugin generates a random character sequence, places it into an answer option of a specified question, and saves it as a part of the response. The value is placed into the response when the form is first saved via "Save", Back", "Next" or "Submit" buttons.
Characters - Specify the characters you would like to include to the random sequence. If no value is specified the following characters will be used: 0123456789ABCDEF
Length of sequence - Specify the number of characters. If no value is specified, the length will be set to 6 characters.The maximum value is 999.
*Reference - Specify a reference to an answer option, where the random character sequence should be placed. Use Qx.Ay notation.
Sequences might repeat in large sets of responses.
We don’t recommend applying this plugin to the forms used on the applications (iOS, Android, Windows) as the same values can be generated until the data is sent to the server with the sync.