Respondent Location by Phone Number (Deprecated)
If you ask respondents to provide their personal details within the survey or form, you can retrieve respondents geographical location using phone numbers they enter.
To do this, insert "Respondent location by phone number" plugin to your form/survey and adjust following parameters:
*Phone Number Question - Reference to a question in your survey of form asking respondents their phone number. Use Qx.Ay format, where:
x - question number;
y - answer choice number.Country Question - You can use the same question to keep the country information or create new question. Use the Qx.Ay notation.
City Question - You can use the same question to keep the city information or create new question. Use the Qx.Ay notation.
Please note, that this plugin also works with question and answer identifiers, so you can use them instead of question and answer numbers in plugin parameters.