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Respondent Tracker

"Respondent tracker" plugin is used to track new respondents in your survey or form and then send request in HTTP or HTTPS form to a third-party application. Thus you can have an up-to-date information on new respondents without logging to the web application.

Specify following parameters to apply this plugin to your form/survey:

  1. *Notify URL - Specify the URL to send a request when respondents submit or update their results. Following parameters may be used:

    • <surveyId> - survey or form unique identifier.

    • <respondentID> - respondent unique identifier.

    • <start_date> - the date when respondent opens the survey or form.

    • <linkId> - unique survey or form link.

  2. *Type of Response - this parameter defines group of respondents, which will be tracked.
    Completed - notification request will be sent when respondents click the Submit button.
    Abandoned - notification request will be sent when respondents click the Next or Back button. This is applicable for the surveys or forms that have more than one page.

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