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Responses Signature

This plugin assigns signature (unique identifier) to the survey response after it is submitted. Then when previewing Report By Respondent system checks this unique identifier and if it remains the same you can view the report for such respondent. Otherwise it means that respondent has changed the answers.
To apply this plugin create new question or reference to the existing question of the Single Line type. It will be used to store respondents signatures (unique identifiers). You can either keep it visible to respondents or hide it.

  1. *Signature Field - Reference to a question in your survey of form to store respondents signatures. Use Qx.Ay notation, where:
    x - question sequence number;
    y - answer choice number.
    For example: Q2.A1

Please note, that this plugin also works with question and answer identifiers, so you can use them instead of question and answer numbers in plugin parameters.

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