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Sections Randomization

Sections randomization plugin is used to group questions in sections and randomize the order of these sections within a form.

To insert this plugin adjust the following parameters:

  1. *Number of Sections to Show - Specify the number of sections that should be shown. The number of displayed sections should be less than or equal to the total number of the sections.The indicated number of question sections will be shown to respondents randomly.

  2. *Boundaries of the Section - Parameter defines questions that each section contains. Use the X,Y format, where X is the sequence number of the first question in section and Y is the sequence number of the last question in section. For example: 3,7 which means that section contains questions from 3 through 7.
    Click the Add button to create multiple sections.

  • Please do not set up Logic between different sections you randomize, as this may result in data loss. You can use logic within one section, or outside of the randomized sections.

  • Each question must belong to one section only and sections must not intersect.

  • It is not recommended to apply this plugin to the same form or survey more than one time.

  • Each time you insert the Sections Randomization plugin to a survey, if you choose to display fewer questions than the total number of questions in the designated section, the total number of questions that appear in the survey will be reduced.

  • It is not recommended to apply the Respondent may return and modify their response rule on the Settings page of your survey or form.

  • For the plugin to work properly, all randomized sections should be located on the same page.

  • If you want the section to include only one question please use the following notation format X,X, for example, 1,1; 2,2.

  • Any questions/answer options edits would not be visible for respondent while re-submitting if they were applied after this respondent submitted the response for the first time.

  • It is not recommended to apply Sections Randomization and Questions Randomization plugins in one form as they may conflict with each other.

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