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Logic, Quota, Randomization Plugins

Plugins from this section allow you to create question sections and randomize them, redirect respondents to the other Form or website based on their answers or respondents quota.



Email or Password Restriction

The Email or password restriction plugin is commonly used to allow or prohibit access to your form for the indicated respondents.

The article covers how to adjust the plugin settings and additional information.

Hide Questions Interactively

 "Hide questions interactively" plugin allows you to hide entire questions, particular answer choices or scale items in the survey or form depending on the answers given to other questions.

Interactive Logic

"Interactive logic" plugin is commonly used if you want to display question or a set of questions that reside on the same survey page based on the answers given to other survey questions.

Logical Redirect

 Logical redirect plugin is commonly used to redirect respondents to different Web pages or Web sites depending on the answers they give to your form.

Questions Randomization Plugin

 In addition to the common question randomization that you can apply from the Edit Questions page, "Question randomization" plugin allows you to randomize only certain questions in your form, though other questions will keep their position. 

Quota With Redirect

"Quota with redirect" plugin allows setting complex quota to your form based on the respondents' answers. If exceed this quota your respondents can be redirected to the different survey or external Web page upon submit.

Respondent Count Saver

Use this plugin to count the number of responses submitted for a particular answer option. The count gets updated each time when a respondent answers the specified question, and their answer matches the count criteria; their answer is then added to a total count.

Sections Randomization

Sections randomization plugin is used to group questions in sections and randomize the order of these sections within a form.

User Agent Hide Logic

This plugin hides question(s) depending on the data available within the Browser userAgent string."User Agent Hide logic" plugin is useful for hiding questions in certain devices or Browsers.

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