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Statistical Quantities Calculation

For all question types in the Report Summary mode the calculation of the statistical quantities is made for the row consisting of the values taken as many times as there are responses to each answer. By default, the values are set to the answers accordingly to their sequence number.

The calculation of the statistical quantities in the Single Line Text, Numeric Allocation, Rating Scale question types has its peculiarities:

Single Line Text

For this question type the calculation of the statistical quantities is made for the row consisting of the values taken as many times as there are responses to each answer and for the row of numbers entered in the responses if the numeric format has been set as well.

Numeric Allocation

For this question type the calculation of the statistical quantities is made for the row consisting of the values taken as many times as there are responses to each answer and for the row of numbers entered in the responses. If more than five statistical quantities have been selected the first five columns for each response and the link 'more' will be displayed. Click this link to see the calculation of all the statistical quantities.

Rating Scale

To view the statistics for this question type, click on the graph area when viewing the Summary Report. Then the detailed report will be displayed (this question will be divided per each answer choice and displayed similarly to the Pick one questions). The statistics is calculated for each of these Pick one questions separately.

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