Portal Settings
You can customize your portal's behavior, functioning and appearance. The article describes how to adjust all Portal settings.
Portal Logo
You can set up the Portal layout in accordance with your corporate colors.
Click the Add portal logo button to add an icon for your portal. You may either use the images from the library or upload an image from your computer. The size of the uploaded images must not exceed 300 kbs.
Portal colors
You can change the color scheme of your portal by changing the colors of the portal's sections and components.
Click the Match colors button to change the colors of the portal to match the colors used in the custom logo you uploaded.
Available tabs
Use this section to custom names of the forms, tasks and dashboard tabs that will be visible to the user on the Portal.
Click the pencil edit button to edit the name of a tab. Press the Reset to default names button to reset customized names.
Links to be displayed on the portal
Use this section to add links to be shown on your Portal.
The Logout link is displayed by default. It can be renamed but cannot be removed. Pressing the Reset to default names clears the custom naming for the Logout.
Click the Add new link button to add a link to either internal or external web pages or documents. You can also create a name for each link as well.
Portal languages
Use this section to set up additional languages to be used on the portal.
The default language is English. Click on the pencil edit button to select another default language.
This section includes the languages available for all the apps. The languages of the Online portal, iOS, Android, and Windows applications can differ. Check the Supported languages article (Application chapter) for more details.
To set up the additional supported languages for the portal, you must have the language column in your Contact Manager.
Or you can add this column instantly in this section:
This column will be used to keep the users language preferences. Now you select up to all supported languages according to the values in the language column of the Contact manager.
After the supported languages are set, the Portal admins are able to translate the custom names for the Portal tabs if applicable.
Click on the pencil button to translate labels.
Please read the Multilingual Forms Offline chapter for more information.
Login expiration settings for the offline apps
This feature allows you to control the duration of user login session in the app. This could be useful for users who get deleted from the contact manager and are not supposed to have access to the application any longer.
You may set the amount of time after which the user gets logged out from the application due to inactivity; note that the time set cannot be less than one minute and cannot be more than 90 days.
Keep uploaded forms and tasks on device
This feature allows controlling whether Completed and Uploaded responses and tasks should stay on the device after upload or not. Responses or tasks may be removed from the device either immediately after uploading to the server or after a
specified number of days. If you choose the option Always they will stay on the device.
Security Options
This feature works in conjunction with the Delete after Upload / Delete after '_' days setting.
It removes the access to the submitted responses and completed tasks after they have been uploaded.
Note that the feature does not affect the In Progress and the Completed (Not Uploaded) responses.
There are 2 Security Options:
Allow Users Access to Completed Responses - this setting in combination with 'Delete after Upload/Delete after N days' option works for the Offline App only and removes data from the device to save space, but does not delete response
headers. Therefore, when the internet is available, the Portal user can still click on the header of the completed response and download it.
Deny Users Access to Completed Responses - this setting in combination with 'Delete after Upload/Delete after N days' option applies to both Online Portal and Offline App, and does not allow the portal user to access completed and
uploaded responses and tasks, as their headers are also removed from the portal.
Security Options applies to the whole portal, not to individual forms/tasks and does not impact Task Management
'Always' option in Keep uploaded forms and tasks on device section is compatible only with Allow Users Access to Completed Responses security option
As the Portal administrator, you are able to change the setting from Allow Users Access to Completed Responses to Deny Users Access to Completed Responses and vice versa when needed. Once the Security option is changed, Online portal users will immediately see the change reflected on their portal. Offline users will need to synchronize their portal for this change to take effect
Pinned forms and tasks will NOT be accessible once Completed/Closed and Uploaded, unless 'Allow Users Access to Completed Responses and Closed Tasks' option is selected
For Responses, X days are counted from the day when response was created (on server); for Tasks, X days are counted from the day the task was Closed
For Tasks, it does not matter whether the form linked to the Task has been Completed. You will be able to access the form until that Task is Closed
Allow to Pin responses and tasks
Once a response or a task is pinned, its data with attachments will never be removed from the mobile device. The pinned response will be placed at the top of the list and all pinned responses will be sorted by submit date.
Authentication types
The Portal page is personal per each participant and should be secured. Therefore, when creating a Contact manager, 2 of its fields should be set as Login and Password for accessing the Participant portal (for instance email address, users' names, or personal ID). Contact manager fields that are used as Login and Password for the particular portal are listed under the Authentication type pane:
If the Require password change at first login for all new users box is checked, all new users added to the Contact manager after you configure the portal settings will be asked to change their passwords on their first login.
If the Require password change for all existing users option is checked, all existing contacts will be asked to change their password upon logging into the portal for the first time or their next login.
Portal is available
Set up Portal activation date and time so the Portal is opened for respondents for a set period of time or make it accessible all the time by selecting the Always option.
Automatically download file attachments to Mobile app
For In progress responses and "Open" tasks you may specify whether the attached files should be downloaded back to the mobile device or not:
Autosave responses in Mobile app
New changes on the Portal will be periodically autosaved (every 5 seconds) if this feature is enabled.
You may turn it on for the whole Portal on this page or let the Portal user decide whether new data should be automatically saved on the background . A Portal user may enable this feature by going to Settings in Mobile app, or while filling out a form. By default, this option is disabled on the Portal Settings page.
Filter Data Models for specific Contacts
Data Model filtering allows to limit the Data Model records that will be presented in the Object Lookup questions depending on the Contact properties.
Filtering is done by comparing Data Model values with the properties of Contacts who log in to the Online Portal or the Offline application.
ℹ Example:
If a contact is responsible for locations in New York City, and both your Contact Manager and Data Model have the field City, you can filter Data Model records based on this field. The result is that this contact will only see relevant locations in New York in the (Multiple) Object Lookup questions.
This feature is useful if you use our Offline Apps for data collection. Data Model filters will reduce the amount of data that needs to be downloaded to the device during synchronization. As a result, the sync time is also decreased.
At the bottom of the Portal Settings page, you will see a list of Data Models currently used in Forms and Tasks which are published to the Portal. You can also see the size of the Data Model, as filters will be useful for large Data Models in particular.
If no Data Models are used on this Portal, you will see the following message:
To filter Data Model records for a specific contact group, click the Add Filters button.
You will be directed to the Data Model Filters page, where you will be able to select the contact group and set up filters for it.
Please read the article for more information.