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Windows v 4.0: upgrading local app storage for better app performance

In release 4.0, we are replacing LiteDB with Custom key storage as the underlying database for our app. This should enhance the performance and scalability of our app.

Risk Mitigation: Dual Storage

  1. To mitigate risks during the transition, we’ll store data in both LiteDB and Custom key-storage until the next application update. This approach ensures data integrity and allows for a smooth transition. However, it requires more space on the device to install the app update.

How to check the Size of the Windows Application

To check the actual size of the Windows application, which will be increased twice, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the File Explorer

  2. Navigate to the folder where FORM app is installed (usually, C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\

  3. Right-click on the app folder.

  4. Select “Properties” → “General” tab.

  5. The “Size on disk” field displays the size of the executable.

If you don’t have enough space: alternative approaches

If you skip the update

If the disk space on your device is limited, you can install the app only with the new storage. In this case, you need:

  • Login to the app

  • Complete sync

  • Remove the application

  • Remove the application folder from the device C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\

  • Download and install the new app version from our Help

  • Open the application and sync.

If you see the Not enough space dialog but you can’t free the space

  • Close the application

  • Uninstall the application

  • Don’t remove app data from C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\

  • Install the version you use (contact our Support for the installation file)

  • Login to the app

  • Complete sync

  • Remove the application

  • Remove the application folder from the device C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\

  • Download and install the new app version from our Help

  • Open the application and sync.

In case you need any assistance, please use our Live-Support chat option, send us an email to, or call one of these numbers (US Phone: +1 (888) 708-8118 | UK Phone: +44 1256 644 099).

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