Add Image
You can add images to your survey questions and answer choices. You can also specify a URL to open a web page after clicking on the image.
This can be used to show your respondent products pictures, concept drawings, and samples. Sometimes it is easier to show than to describe using only question text. It is also great for comparisons.
To add an image, you need to click the Add Image button next to the question on Surveys > Questions page, then follow the steps below:
Choose an image to appear with the question.
Click the Select Image button to locate an image file saved in your Media Library.
You can upload files with the extensions jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, png extensions or image files with no extension (for MacOS files).
Click on the needed image and hit Ok to upload it.
If the image is saved in CMYK color space, it may not be displayed correctly. Use the RGB colorspace instead.
2. Specify the image position (left, top, right). In top position you can set image alignment (left, center, right) and add visual arrows by selecting corresponding check boxes (Up Left, Bottom Left, Up Right, Bottom Right). If you need you can add a brief description to the image and specify a URL that will be opened when respondents click on it.
3. Select if the images should appear next to your answer choices. Provide short descriptions and indicate URLs for linking below each image if needed.
4. Click Save.
Click Save to upload selected images to your survey question and answer choices.
Click Preview to see how your uploaded images look.
If you need to remove an image, click the Remove link under the image.