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Advanced RESTful API Plugin

This plugin is the advanced version of the RESTful plugin and is also used to execute calls to RESTful web services upon forms' submission.

However, this plugin provides additional configurable parameters, as well as payloads which allows for a more complex configuration of your interaction with the outer resource. 

The OAuth 2.0 mechanism is used for the authentication which means the client's keys (the ID and the secret) for the worldapp application should be generated by the external web service.


The plugin includes the following parameters to be specified:

Logical condition: Specify the logical expression that will trigger the sending of the API call. Use Qx.Ay notation and OR/AND logical operators to create complex logical expressions; for example: Q2.A1 AND (Q5.A2 OR Q5.A3).

Authentication URL: The OAuth 2.0 authentication endpoint URL, for example:

Client ID: The Client ID generated by the OAuth 2.0 service and assigned to the application. 

Client secret: The Client secret generated by the OAuth 2.0 service and assigned to the  application. 

Login: The login name of the end user that will be used for the authentication. As for the URL example in the pt. 2, the login credentials for the Salesforce platform should be specified.

Password: The Password of the end user that will be used for the authentication.

Authentication HTTPS headers:

Additional HTTPS headers that will be used for the authentication request.

You may use piping (i.e. {Q1.A1}) to pass data from the form.

Additional Authorization parameters:

This field allows you to provide additional parameters to be used for authentication.

These parameters will be sent in the POST request.

You may use piping (i.e. {Q1.A1}) to pass data collected in the form.

Test Authentication:

Use the Run Test button to test authentication and to fetch data from the third-party API using the authentication parameters you provided.

In case you receive some structured data in the response, the keys can be used as the variables; the keys enveloped by the ‘$’ symbol can be used in the Payload request section later. 


You can use The REST API payloads to pass and return data structures too large to be handled as parameters.

Web Service URL*

RESTful web-service URL. You may use piping (i.e. {Q1.A1}) to import a value from the form field into the link. 

*this parameter is required

HTTPS Request Method

HTTPS Request method that should be used for the RESTful call. You may choose one of the following: POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE 

Additional HTTPS headers for payload:

Additional HTTPS headers that will be used for the payload request.

You may use piping (i.e. {Q1.A1}) to pass data collected in the form.

Content encoding for the payload: Select the content type that will be used for the payload. Depending on the type selected, content of the payload will be validated automatically or according to the rules for the selected content type (see Payload request parameters below).

Payload request parameters

Enter additional request parameters for the payload, each in a separate line. You may use piping (i.e. {Q1.A1}) to pass data collected in the form.

If application/json or application/xml is selected, the content of the payload will be validated according to general requirements for a content type.

If application/x-www-form-urlencoded is selected, then the content of payload will be converted according to general rules for that particular content type.

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