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Workflow Plugins

The plugins listed in this category allow to perform the Workflow operations like passing data between forms, sending data to a third-party system etc.



Workflow Plugin

You can use this plugin to fill a form using the data collected in a form sent earlier or to send invitations for filling out a form.

Copy Responses

The plugin copies the responses provided for original form and passes them to the indicated fields in another form. It allows to set up an advanced workflow with options for synchronized responses updating and deletion in connected forms. 

Expired Link Blocker

This plugin allows setting an expiration date for unique links or passwords in forms and surveys that were distributed via E-mail or Restricted by Unique Codes methods. After the unique links or passwords expire, respondents can either be redirected to a certain website or see an info message.

Logical Remote Data Sender

"Logical remote data sender" plugin is used to send data from the survey that is submitted by respondents to a third-party application via HTTP request and only if the indicated condition is met.

Logical Workflow

Similar to the Workflow plugin, the Logical Workflow plugin serves two purposes: to send out invitations for filling out a form and to fill this form using the data collected in a form sent earlier ('first form').

Remote Data Sender

Use this plugin to send data obtained from respondents of your forms to a third-party application using a HTTP request. 

Survey Opening Validator

The plugin is used to verify if a specific respondent can open and submit your survey upon the response from the third-party application.

Task Workflow (Participant Portal)

The Task Workflow plugin enables you to deploy a form on User Portal for a given user when the current form is submitted.

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