Branching allows directing users to specific page or question, skipping over sections depending on the execution of associated logic rule.
How to apply the feature
To apply the Branching to your form, follow the steps below:
Click Advanced features button on the form toolbar menu and select the Branching functionality from the dropdown.
You can create the Branching feature in a Simple (1) or Quick Edit (2) mode.
Applying the feature in a Simple mode
Click on the Add Branching button.
When creating/editing one Branching action, the page is divided into 3 sections:
After which question/page the branching should be executed;
To which question/page the user should be redirected;
Which logical rule should trigger this redirect.
You can either create a new condition or select one created earlier and modify it if necessary;
Three conditional operators are available: IF, IF NOT and IF ALWAYS. The IF ALWAYS operator triggers an action unconditionally upon form/survey submission.
Build complex logical conditions using Add sub-group (1), Add rule (2) and Add group (3) options and AND/OR/AND NOT/OR NOT logical operators.
Please read the Branching Logicarticle for information about logical operators and conditions.
Value for comparison
First select a condition (Contains, Equals to, etc) and then specify:
numeric or text value, i.e. IF Q1.A1=<5;
Piping reference: [Qx.Ay] or {Qx.Ay} (square or curly brackets), i.e. IF Q1.A1=<[Q2.A1]
Question and answer identifiers are also supported, so you can use them to reference specific question instead of question/answer option numbers.
Piping references on the date fields: [Qx.Ay] (use square brackets only)
Please read the article about list of regular expressions and their types.
While working with an action, you can easily switch to the Quick edit mode and edit it on the same page:
Quick Edit mode
Click on the Quick Edit button
The Quick Edit mode allows you to create multiple expressions at once or copy them from other source and paste into your form.
Each expression will appear on a new line on the Quick Edit page:
Please, read the Branching Logicarticle for more information on creating complex logical conditions.
Summary page
You can add new branching, view, edit and change the priority of existing actions directly from this page. On the Summary page you can switch between Branching, Set Values, Show/Hide and Quick Edit tabs.
While working with any action from this page you can make it inactive (1), move up/down (2) or delete (4) it. Quick edit mode (3) is also available for each expression on this page and allows inline editing: