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Cookie Consent Plugin

If you are launching your survey via Master URL, and want your respondents either to be able to come back and change their results or want to block your respondents from submitting the survey or form more than once, you should enable ask for their consent to save the cookies.

  • This plugin has been developed to implement compliance with the EU cookie regulations. Click here to get more information about this.

  • If the cookies are declined by the visitor, only the strictly necessary cookies will be recorded to support the correct functioning of the survey.

To apply "Cookie consent" plugin adjust following parameters:

  1. * Disable cookies - select whether you would like to disable cookies altogether or ask for user's consent to use the cookies.

  2. Consent text - enter a text to show users to gain their consent to use cookies.

  3. Allow cookies button - enter the text for 'Allow cookies' button. If this field is blank the button will just say Allow cookies.

  4. Do not allow cookies button - enter the text for 'Do not allow cookies' button. If this field is blank the button will say Do not allow cookies.

It can also be implemented in the surveys launched by other distribution methods like, for example, email distribution.

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