Email Report
The accessible Report link can be sent inside the email body to the specified email addresses.
To email your report click the Email Report option on the Reports home page from the information pane in the right part of the screen.
Click Edit Email to compose your message. For details consult the Compose Email help chapter.
Specify the report distribution method.
Select the Do not email report option if you do not want the report to be emailed.
Select the Email link to report option to email a link to the report.
Select the Display report inside email option to display the report inside the email body.
Set the report email distribution recurrence.
Select the Email report now option to email the report immediately.
Select the Email report every N days option to email the report every N number of days.
Select the Email report on option to email the report on a specific date.
Select the Email report every option and choose the day of week you want your report to be sent out.
Select the Email report every N day of month option and indicate the day of month you want your report to be sent out.
4. Select the Email report if there are at least N new respondents option and indicate number "N" of new responses received to email the report if new responses during a set time period.
5. Add email addresses (for distribution) into the Enter email addresses text box. Be sure to separate each address with a comma or semicolon.
6. Click Email Report if the Email report now option is selected, to send the composed message (including a link to the report or report itself) to the email addresses entered.
7. Click Apply if one of the options Email report every N days, Email report on,Email report every or Email report every N day of month is selected.
Click Preview Report to see how your report looks like.
Click Back to return to the Report > Publish page.