Question Library
To copy one or more questions from question library to the end of your current survey, click Insert on the Survey Editing page, and select Question from question library from the dropdown menu.
On the left side of Question library, you can find Default Categories of questions and create your own under the Custom Categories. Once you have selected needed category its questions appear on the middle pane. You can easily click on any question to see its answer options and preview it by clicking on the Preview button.
✅ How do I create a new category of questions in a Library?
To create a new category, click on the Add Category button on the top left, name your category and confirm. Right after this you can start adding questions in it. Categories created by you appear under the Custom Categories class. You can also rename such categories or delete if needed.
The category name cannot be longer than 255 symbols.
✅ How do I add questions in custom category?
It is possible to add questions in a custom category in two ways: by creating from scratch one by one or by copying from existing survey.
To create new questions click on the category name on the left pane and then hit the Add Question button. Specify needed question and answer options parameters and Save this question. Once saved you can see it appearing on the question list for your category. If you click on a question in this list additional options appear for editing and deleting selected question.
If you would like to copy questions from existing survey click on the category name on the left pane and then hit the arrow button next to the Add Question one. Now click on the Add question from existing survey and select needed survey/questions. When you have checked all needed questions click on Copy and confirm. If you do not remember the exact survey name and question location, you can Search for it in respective text box here.
✅ How do I add questions in my survey?
Pick needed question from the library and either double-click on it or drag and drop to the left pane. Once all needed questions are added in here, click on the Add to Survey button.
✅ How many questions could be copied at once?
You are not limited in number of questions you can add to the survey at once.
✅ How many questions can I save in my Library?
You are not limited in number of categories or questions you can store in the Library.