SAML Single Sign-On Configuration for the Self-Hosted Applications
FORM application can be configured to allow the Single Sign-On via SAML 2 using a Service Provider (SP) initiated POST binding scheme. Please read the article below for more details.
Please note that the user must exist in the application database when SAML is used. So before the user can authenticate, a user record must be created in the application with the User Login matching the User ID returned by the Identity Provider. Depending on the type of user, one of the following methods may be used to add users to the application:
This article describes the configuration settings in the application and on the Identity Provider side that should be made to make SAML Single Sign On possible.
Configuring the Contact Manager and the Portal
When configuring the Contact Manager and the Portal in the FORM application, ensure that the column with the User-Principal-Name is present in the Contact Manager and that this column is used as a Login field in the Portal.

Application Configuration
If your account type is Branded/ Private Label, the parameters below have to be provided to FORM. If you have a Self-Hosted instance of the application, these parameters have to be added to the file of the application.
Replace a tag with the following
Tag | Replace with |
<IDENTITY_PROVIDER_NAME> | Replace it with a name of the identity provider. For example, COMPANYIDP |
<SERVICE PROVIDER IDENTIFIER> | Replace the tag with the WORLDAPPSP value. |
<CERTIFICATE_PUBLIC_KEY> | replace the tag with a certificate public key provided by the identity provider. |
<AUTHENTICATION_URL> | specify a URL to the authentication page on the identity provider. Users will be redirected to this page when they try to access a resource that requires authentication without an active session. |
<CERTIFICATE_PUBLIC_KEY>- this parameter should have multiple lines in the config file. Every line must end with "\n\", except for the line where the certificate ends.
Response from Identity Provider
The application is expecting one user parameter in return from the identity provider - NameID, which must match the login name of a user in the FORM system. If the system cannot find the user with such login name, HTTP 401 error response will be sent to the user.
Single Sign-On Configuration Documentation
Here is the PDF document with the full description of Single Sign-On configuration.