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Web Services

The functionality available in the FORM Platform SOAP API is split into multiple services to provide better code isolation and so that you can import just the services that you need for your application instead of loading all of the functions available in the API at the same time. This section of the documentation provides the description of the services used in the application. Each service can be used independently, although you will need to use multiple services in a single client program for some operations (such as adding a new form and submitting it to respondents).

The following web services are available in the platform:



 This service allows to log in and out from FORM application via an authentication token.


This service is responsible for copying forms within account as well as to subordinate account.

This service provides functionality to read, create and modify the forms.

The service is used to set up the answer option and scale patterns, response rules and overall form settings.

 This service allows to access the submitted forms, retrieve filtered lists of responses and submit new responses.


This service allows to send an email to specified address. 


This service allows to pre-fill data into the forms, generate unique links for form participants, launch emails and reminders, set up password protected acces for forms.


This service provides access to user's own account information, such as account settings, passwords, permissions, etc.

This service allows workgroup administrator users (Multi user Admin, Multi Access Admin) to manage their sub-accounts.

This service allows the application administrators to manage application user accounts. It is only available for self hosted applications and in Enterprise admin user accounts.


This service provides methods for creating, accessing and managing contact managers.


This service provides access to the list of tasks and settings applied to these tasks. 

Data Models

This service provides methods for creating, accessing and managing data models. This service could be used by SINGLE_USER, ACCESS_LEVEL_USER , ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN and MULTIUSER_ADMIN account type.


This service allows to get a link to either custom or standard report, as well as custom or standard report objects. 

List of WSDL locations


The UserManagementService, AccountAdminManagementService, and AdminManagementService are collectively known as the user data services. They have operations that let you manage account, account settings and account rights. There are 3 account roles and 5 account types in the application:

  • AdminRole contains account type ENTERPRISE_ADMIN. Accounts in this role can manage its own account and all accounts in roles AccountAdminRole and UserRole

  • AccountAdminRole contains account types ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN and MULTIUSER_ADMIN. Accounts in AccountAdminRole role have subordinate accounts and can manage them: create, delete ,update etc.

  • UserRole contains account types SINGLE_USER and ACCESS_LEVEL_USER

The AdminManagementService can be accessed by AdminRole ; AccountAdminManagementService can be accessed by AccountAdminRole; UserManagementService can be accessed by UserRole.

The FormDesignManagementService, FormSettingsManagementService, and FormResultManagementService are collectively known as the form data services. They have operations that let you create forms and get form results after they were submitted to respondents. Only account in UserRole or AccountAdminRole can use these services.

The LaunchManagementService is the only service from launch data services. It has operations that let you retrieve master and unique URLs to forms, send these URLs to respondents, set reminders etc. Only account in UserRole or AccountAdminRole can use these services.

All data objects have IDs that are set by the Survey API web services. The generated IDs are globally unique.

Data Objects

Each of the user, form or launch data services perform operations on its corresponding data objects.

When sending a request to a data service, you create a corresponding data object or list of data objects, and send it to the service. Typically the service returns a data object or a list of data objects. When creating the data object, you set fields on it. Some fields are:

  • Required (for example, the login is required when creating a WSAccount);

  • Optional (such as the description of a WSForm);

  • Set by the API and are ignored if set by the client (such as the id of a WSQuestion);

  • Set by the user initially but cannot be subsequently modified (such as the type of a WSAccount);

  • Modifiable any time by the client (such as the name of a WSForm).

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