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Workgroup accounts have an admin and several sub-users. All application modules available for the Single User account type are available for Workgroup accounts, but access rights are limited by their admins.

Users can access the following modules under the Workgroups account type:

  1. Form builder (any subscription);

  2. Reporting (any subscription);

  3. Data models (any subscription);

  4. Contact manager (on-demand);

  5. Portal (on-demand);

  6. Task manager (on-demand);

  7. Dashboards (on-demand);

  8. Sub-user management (Workgroups only).

From this account type, you can set up your forms or tasks and publish them to the portal, mobile users, or share with a link.

There are 2 account subtypes within Workgroups



Multi-Access Account

It is a single account accessed by sub-users. This allows different users to work with the same content, but with different rights to alter it.

Multi-User Account

Sub-users own their separate accounts with an admin, who oversees all sub-accounts in a workgroup.

Sub-users cannot share their forms, contact managers, dashboards, or portals. All the data within their accounts are in a silo and can be accessed only by an account owner and the workgroup administrator.

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