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Multi-Access Account

The account accessed by multiple users with different logins/passwords and different access rights, allocated by the user with Admin Access rights. 

The following functionality requires the purchase of a multi-access license.

The multi-access account cannot be changed to multi-user account and vice-versa.

✅ Can do:

  • Can work with the application like a regular user

  • Can create/edit a user and specify his access rights

  • Can create/edit a user group, specify its access rights and assign  users to a group

  • Can set automatic notification for users to be notified when their rights change

  • Can suspend a user.

🛑 Cannot do:

  • Cannot control the usage of credits pull by individual users/user if the survey launch is authorized 

  • Cannot suspend the group of users

  • Cannot give different users access to different features within same feature group.

Multi-access Account is the choice of organizations that want to:

  • Control a group of people working on different projects or on the different parts of the same project

  • Organize the work of people who work on the same project/projects but perform different roles and thus use the different functionality of the application.

  • Access rights can be assigned to an individual or to a group of users if access rights are assigned to the group have the same rights. 

The access rights are divided into the following groups:

  • Access to features - user can read(cannot be switched off)/delete/launch/work with standard reports/publish the information.

  • Access to content  - access to the feature described above is set individually for each folder/subfolder for each user/group. Access rights to sub folders can inherit access rights to the main folder they belong.

There are the following Admin Access rights:



Access Level Management

Access Levels Management allows you to configure access to account resources for users or user groups by granting permissions such as read, edit, delete, launch, publish.

Access Permissions

You can grant several rights to a sub-user on the Administration page. The article describes all rights. 

Add New Access Group

The article describes how you can create a new access group.

Add New User

The article explains how to add a sub user to your multi-access account.

Edit User Profile

Workgroup's user profile can be edited by the master account only. The article covers how to edit a user profile.

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